Viña del Mar, Chile.
Eugenio Brito Honorato studied at the School of Fine Arts in Viña del Mar, Chile, from 1942 to 1948.
He completed a Comprehensive course in drawing, painting, engraving, ceramics, and sculpture, with painting and ceramics as his primary focus.
His master professors included painters Arturo Gordon Vargas and Roko Matjasic, as well as sculptor Guillermo Mossella and ceramist Benito Román. He immediately distinguished himself in ceramics from the start.
Gastón Orellana, Carlos Faz, Carlos González, and, of course, Renzo Pecchenino ‘Lukas,’ with whom he frequently visited, were among the classmates that he remembered with the most affection and admiration. Many of them would stand out among the finest plastic artists in Chile.